Keep your dog healthy and clean

Apr 28 , 2021

Keep your dog healthy and clean


Hygiene is important to maintain a dog's good health and prevent future illnesses from it.

       7 stages of hygiene in the dog:

           1- Brushing
Brushing the coat is the first step in proper dog hygiene. All the pollutants and dirt in the atmosphere make the pet's hair dirty, so daily brushing is necessary. If the animal has a tendency to present knots and tangles in its hair, it may even require more than one brushing a day.
This daily brushing will strengthen his coat and keep his skin and hair healthy. But to do it in a way that is pleasant for the animal, the appropriate bristle brush should be used:
Short hair: Brush with short, soft bristles.
Wavy and hard hair: Brush with hard and straight bristles.
Long curly hair: Wide, flat and rectangular head brush with bent wire bristles.
Here is an excellent hair brush for dogs:
                           Hair removal comb for dogs and cats.
       2-The bathroom:
The main purpose of the bathroom is to remove the bad smell, help with the loss of old hair and eliminate parasites.
It must be borne in mind that the dog should not be bathed continuously, as the animal can decrease its defenses due to the fact that the humidity remains in the animal for 2 or 3 days. The frequency of bathing can vary according to the breed and activity of the dog, among other things, but an estimated average of every 2 months could be set.
The steps to follow for dog bathing can be summarized as (baths can start from 2 months of age):
-Brush and comb the dog before putting it in the bathtub.
-Make sure the water temperature is warm.
-Apply special dog shampoo on the back and spread it up to the legs, leaving the head for last.
-When the head is washed, extreme precautions must be taken to prevent the soap from getting into the ears or eyes, as they are very sensitive parts of the dog.
-Do the first drying with a towel, with which it is caressed, without rubbing, and always in a downward direction to avoid curls.
-Use a dryer. It is convenient to accustom the animal to the hair dryer from a young age, since it is the most effective and fastest way.
Here we leave you a hose that has everything you need to be able to carry out your dog's bath:
                                 Shower Sprayer for pets.
And here a 2x1 product, a brush and dryer hair:
      3-  Nail clippers:
Cutting the dog's nails is recommended to be done every 2 or 3 weeks, since if we let the nails grow too long it can cause discomfort and pain when walking when it extends the fingers.
In dogs accustomed to walking, both in the countryside and in cities, it is not necessary to cut their nails as often, as they tend to suffer natural wear and tear when walking.
To enhance the cut, the dog's ankle should be held in front, raising the leg and turning it backwards. The elbow of the dog's ankle should rest on the palm of the hand. The dog's leg is then held tightly so that it cannot change position.
The recommendations for nail trimming are:
-Perform the task in a place with good lighting.
-Use your fingers to separate each nail and thus make them visible.
-Trim only the tips, in this way we will avoid cutting living tissue or veins. Along the bottom of the nail there is a deep groove that indicates that there is no living tissue in that area.
If living tissue is cut, the application of powders is necessary to control and coagulate the bleeding.
-Cut the hind claws, if any.
-When finished cutting the nails, they should be filed to remove any rough edges. The file should be done in one direction only.
Here we leave you an ideal nail clipper with led light:
                         Pet nail clipper with LED Light
       4- Eyes:
Cleaning the eyes should be done daily to prevent the dog from having eye problems such as conjunctivitis. For them, it is essential to remove the lagañas, which usually appear in the morning.
By cleaning the lagañas, we will prevent them from hardening, accumulating and generating infections. To do this, it is best to use gauze.
The signs that the dog may be suffering from an infection or conjunctivitis are the appearance of green fleas and red eyes.
Finally, in older dogs or because of illness or injury, there may be difficulties in keeping the eye moist. In these cases, it is advisable to clean regularly, after consulting the veterinarian.
      5- Ears:
Keeping the dog's ears clean helps prevent future problems, as they are protective against infection. Dog ears are a place that accumulates a lot of humidity and therefore can lead to the proliferation of bacteria.
They should be checked at least once a week for dogs with large ears and twice a month for dogs with short ears.
To clean them, you need a clean gauze and specific cleaning products. The gauze should be wrapped around the finger and the inner and outer face of the ear should be cleaned, without inserting it or going too deep. In other words, only the remains of wax should be cleaned superficially and thus avoid bad odors.
Here is an efficient ear cleaner:
                                 Pet Ear Cleaner
    6- Mouth:
Oral care is used to prevent future infections and ailments in the mouth, inflammation of the gums, difficulties in eating or serious kidney or liver diseases and also to avoid bad breath.
Dental conditions are the main problem diagnosed in dogs, for example, about 85% of dogs have problems in the roots of the teeth and gums (mainly affecting small breed dogs).
Some causes that predispose to oral diseases are diseases such as hepatitis, infections by certain viruses, diabetes ... In the same way, a poor diet, based on high sugar content and basically soft content also contributes to the appearance of gingivitis or ulcers.
The recommended frequency is to brush the dog's teeth once a week, using a special paste for dogs. Initially, let the dog sniff and taste the paste first to make sure it doesn't displease him.
We leave you the link of the complete set with a brush and special paste for dogs:

                                      Pet toothbrush set
        7- Nose:
To achieve a good state of health of the dog's nose, try to keep it moist. One way to stay moist is by drinking plenty of water from the fountain.
Cleaning the nose should be done with a gauze with mild soap and water with a lower pH on the skin, and then gently dry it.
In the secretions, when the mucus is thick and yellowish, instead of transparent, and watery, you should go to the vet. Also the bad smell in the mucus can give us the signal that there is a problem.

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