Very helpful to train pets
The clicker is a small plastic box with a sheet of metal that makes a double sound (click-click) when you press it.
It works as a conditioned reinforce and used correctly allows a very specific timing.
It is a signal to indicate that the dog or cat is doing something right, and that it will be rewarded for it.
It is very important to click right away for the pet to do what we ask him to do and then give him the reward.
Before using the clicker in training, teach your pet to associate the sound of the click with rewards as follows:
Click the clicker without your pet seeing it, and a couple seconds later, give him the reward with your other hand.
Repeat the operation about 10 times, and rest for a while.
Check that your pet has made the association by clicking the clicker once. If the pet looks at you, it is because he is waiting for a treat. Give it to him! It means that the click is already associated with obtaining the food.
Non-corroding, shock-resistant design
Weight: 20g
Materials: Plastic
Function: Training Cat and Dog
Color: White, orange, pink, black, red, blue, green, light green, sky blue, light blue
Shipping time
Up to 30 days
Customer Reviews
The goods as in the picture, it works as expected. Only on receipt I saw that with a whistle. Delivery, if compared, very fast.
Clicker for dogs
A little loud because it is for dogs and I got it for my cats. Will see how they react. Well made and fits nice in hand.